League of Ninja Cup
Monthly Ninja Comp Series
The first ever Aspire League of Ninja’s Cup took place in January 2024 and it was an absolute blast! Our fantastic coaches put together a series of obstacles within the ninja courses for an all around inspiring experience, executed strictly for your amusement. This is a monthly event so if you didn’t get a chance to come out this month, don’t stress! You can register for all upcoming LNC events from now.
2024 Event Dates
January 27th
February 10th
March 9th
April 13th
May 25th
June 15th
July 13th
August 17th
September 28th
October 12th
November 16th
December 14th
All events take place from 6pm-8:30pm. Space is limited so register 3 months ahead to secure your spot in these fun filled events.
We all like a little friendly competition, but don’t let that word scare you; this is an opportunity for anyone and everyone in the community to try something new, build new skills, and most importantly, have fun!